Friday 14 December 2018

Universal language

Knowledge is about sarvatrik language...

All animals and birds language are calling as sarvatrik language...

We can speak so many language on different levels, But animals and birds are not...

Nature has specific word language and that's written in our vedas and As per sanskrut it all has good meaning....

Wind noise.

Water noise
Khal khal khal khal

Fire noise
Bhad Bhad bhad bhad

Earth noise
While walking or striking by an object ....

Sky noise
Which we calling as PALSAAR
NASA recorded few noise as brief description...

I would like to inform you that we have capital of our own body as property given by nature, but we are making races behind money.....

Here produced hot photo telling code like....
Yellow fire
Blue water
Green earth
Brown tree
Red main elements of body
Gray is about mixer of things happen in black and white....

Sometimes I laughing on other odd sentence but like to interest in growing India country's economy at worldwide

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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