Monday 5 October 2015


5th October 2015

in my life i many time for my neighbor and other people......and on the same matter my hand are going on writing such few things.....

In my society

i am living in KUSHMANN SOCIETY  and there are so many cast's people live. my bungalow number is 8 and it is just front of common plot. usually my all neighbors are very good including my self and my family. we helps each other every day in critical condition. i help my 1 to 20 number bungalow's people as well as the outer side society's bungalow people also. duly PANAMAX post are mostly came over my home as per part 1 and part 2 society i returned the post to the true bungalow as the 8 number is same between us. 

In the Jungle
we mostly seen the birds, animals are helping each other for making nest and cave in jungle. they are mostly love other cast's small children also.

In my nation
my nation has so many states and each stats help each other in bounding of national civilization as well as personal interest of state government. 

even recently the Germany's chancellery visit India and returned the Durga Devi's mahishasur murdani's sculpture which was stolen by thief from India and purchased by Germany's museum. for better relation the step is taken by the nation. as they know the value of relationship. as according to mine personal level of thoughts......

well i really love my neighbor and for that doing good till ends but the value should be understand by the same as we know the karma's laws and also known that we can not clap without two hand.....

Jigar Mehta

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